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Friday, February 11, 2011

A little booklet thanking Ron's mom for saving our Ciao furbaby.

When Ciao came down with crystals a month ago, Ron's mom put her credit card on the line and saved our little guy's life. I can't convey how much gratitude I have for this woman's kindness. As a way of saying thank you, I created this little booklet to send to her. She has scaled down a lot and I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her and to give her a little momento that she can keep in her pocket for when she misses family.

I found a tutorial on the internet (Stumbleupon) that showed me how to cut a sheet of scrapbooking paper so that it folds down into this little 3 x 3 booklet.

I picked out a bunch of photos that I wanted to add and had them reduced and printed on regular paper.

I have a lot of scrapbooking doodads, I collect them all the time.

Not bad! That's my handsome Ron... whatta man...

Ron loves summertime and cemeteries, old Churches too.

 Mt. Baker is in the background if you look closely. The other photos shows Ron at the top of the stairs on the walking route back to the tiny town of Portofino, Italy.

What can I say?

The last page, with my fave pic of Ciao and Grace, both of them laying across the top of the chair with both arms and legs hanging down.

The little booklet closed, in Alva's favourite colours of purple and red, like the Red Hat ladies, of which she's a member.

Bella likes it too.

The little book laid out.

I wanted to make a bit of a documentary of it before I popped it into the mail tomorrow. If Bonnie can show this to Alva before she gets it, she might be miffed. LOL. But Alva's not exactly what could be considered 'user friendly', so I suspect it will be cool.

Thanks for enjoying.


My buddy Tanis came over for dinner tonite and she made a little book too. So cute! (No photos of it tho unless she takes it, she made hers for her mom. :)


  1. Tina that is BEAUTIFUL! You are such a thoughful and wonderful woman.

  2. wow...Tina... that is gorgeous!! You are very thoughtful:) sheree
