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(Listen to this song if you want an ear worm. I added this thanks to Shylah)

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nancy K's Pass it forward Kindness 2011 Slippers ~ Pom Pom Tute

Before you start reading and enjoying the blog today, I invite you to open a tab separate from this one, put on your speakers and click on this you tube link so that you're enjoying the same music I was as I was putting this together. Happy, ambient music with a bit of a tempo for movement.  Click HERE for tuneage to accompany your blog perusal.

We have one pompom completed and are in the process of the second one. Nancy's slippers need what I call 'Dust Bunny Catchers' and these are made with beautiful odds and ends of yarn I've collected on my rounds. The cardboard rings are cut to provide a bit of an alley for the thread in the middle that ties the pompom together(and for the scissors when you are done spooling the thread on and have to cut the edge all the way around). The crochet hook is for pulling the completed pompom's anchoring threads through the slippers to be tied off.

Can't torment you with just a peek at my up-next and present reading list so here are the books I'm tackling this month.

Ron's other other woman. This was a gift to him from Grace and Dave. He collects angels. His other women are the two motorcycles but that's another blog entry in the future. Suggest names for it, I'm curious what he will pick to name her. The person who comes up with the name he chooses gets a motorcycle ride.

Round and round and round we go, loading up the bobbin.

This is where it can all go so so so wrong. The point of no return. One wrong move and all your good intentions are a pile of 2 inch snips of yarn in a bunch of pretty colours.  But I persevered!

The completed second pompom

The completed slippers bound for Midway in a few days~ Hope Nancy K likes 'em!

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