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Monday, November 22, 2010

Tina's Crow Snow Buffet - Winter's here!

Murgatroyd joined the banquet

I know that catfood lurks under this snow, Hymie.

We heard the dinner bell...

Beautiful feathers aren't afraid of no snow. Not when full bellies are involved.

Bella is not sure about the white stuff but she's good now she found cat crunchies hiding under it.

Look! A delicate spider web catches no flies today... just diamonds aplenty.

And here's a REAL sojer. All the trucks lined up idling in the traffic jam and here's one guy jogging home.

Noon on Monday and the Mujahadeen can move in now. The Armed Forces are running scared from 3 cm of the white stuff. Note the emergency vehicles that have arrived at the Chief and PO's Mess to pick some poor slippery footed sap off the asphalt.

Creepin' convoy of escapees. Whoda thunk that the new Iraq secret weapon in Canada would be SNOW!!?! Even the snowplow is stuck in it...

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny. Love the crows in the snow. Beautiful.
    We've had just but a dusting so far. But the berries on the tree tell us that it should be a whopper this year.
