Every little step I take... Click HERE

(Listen to this song if you want an ear worm. I added this thanks to Shylah)

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm just gonna take a minute and let it ride, I'm just gonna take a minute and let it be...

any man who knows anything knows he knows not a damned damned thing at all -  click here to hear the song as you read...


The whole CEDRIC concept boils down to this simple line. Kneejerk responses to stresses make for embedded issues. If we stop listening to 'what' our Drill Sgt is judgementally saying immediately after a stressor, and see the Drill Sgt for what it is, rather a signal that issues are at stake, then the best thing we can do is take a minute and let it ride... because then we have time to come up with a better solution that includes how to manage with personal dignity, integrity and in a self-honouring manner.

Gonna take a minute and let it breathe...

CEDRIC is the eating disorder clinic I work for. I am assistant to the Director and the perks are that I have to read and ingest all my boss's philosophies on healing in the process of my assembling workbooks for weekend intensives. She's written an incredible book on the topic of taking personal action by healing ourselves called "Food is not the Problem" and you can learn more by clicking here to be magically transported to the CEDRIC Centre interactive website.

any woman who knows anything knows she knows nothing at all... stay in the moment...stay grounded...just let it ride...

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