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Monday, October 18, 2010

Saltspring Island is so beautiful at this time of year...

These photos are meant to be a pleasant field trip without leaving the comfort of your home. So make a mulled hot apple cider, put on your fluffy slippers, wrap the comforter around you and enjoy today's photo blog.

Acorn cups have been evacuated, leaves turn and suddenly its hallowed Autumn

Framed paradise

The giant witch wind vane at the SSI Ganges Firehouse (no wonder it appeals to the giant witch!)

Bumbles are still pumpin up

Listening to the leaves drop

The never ending road less travelled

Could be gift wrap

Maple desktop

Many layers of Vancouver Island looking out through the bush at Burgoyne Bay.

Fulford Valley, a tragedy in the making used to live up here, ask me if you want the details...  

A garden ornament in a front yard at an obscure destination on the little island...

The Green Man gate stone, where the moon gate is.

I want to see this one in black and white

Happy duck pair strolling with Ms. Chicken (look behind the drake)

An incredible moon gate

 The economic heart of Fulford Harbour

Ferry to the left, Govt dock to the right.

The Rainbow colours of fall

Serene reflections

Odd things floating

Quiet paddler's harbour

A gangplank of red is so inviting

The Fulford Harbour Inn is at the middle right of the photo. Sady, the famous pub is now closed.

A different focus on the Inn

Paddle on in...

Look at me, look at you, I am on a horse. (well not really)

Vigilant trickster

The Bowen Queen pulls in

Looking up the inlet

Fulford proper from the water

I wonder why BC Ferries spells it Salt SpringIsland?

A medusa of pipes on the vast ocean

Can you see the brass bell?

Dwarfed by the big ferries that take you across the Salish Sea to Vancouver
The smells of decomposing oak and maple leaves, the cool breezes and the cacophony of wild bird song hit me hard this trip. As I explored various nooks and crannies on the island, I would venture out of the car, wander up a road a bit, take a few pics, just be a sponge for serenity.

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